
Updating Items

Inside of your MOJO account center is where you can update your items. Under the My Products section you will see all of your products that you have added to the Marketplace.


Under the Approved Products section you can select the item that you are wanting to update. Simply click on the Update Item button next to the item.

Updating Item Content

Once you click to update one of your products, the next screen will pull up the upload form that you filled out when initially uploading. All your content will be displayed as you had it and you can update whatever section you would like.

Once you go through all the steps, your updated item will be sent to our Review Team who will then review what has been changed on your item and either approve or deny the update.

Comments to Review Team: It is very important when doing an item update that you leave a comment to the reviewer stating what you changed and why in this update. In addition, this helps get your updates reviewed quicker.
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