
What is WP Live?


What Exactly is WP Live?

There is nothing quite like WP Live, it is your one-stop resource for WordPress experts.

As a WP-Live member you will be working with industry-leading WordPress consultants, these consultants are ready and awaiting your call. Our WordPress experts created a road map to help you build a successful and professional looking website, we call it “The Journey”. The Journey is amazing.


Our WP-Live consultants can help take your vision (concept, dream, passion, image, etc) and make it a reality. The Journey is the roadmap to success. It is help and guidance with the beginning stages of building and launching your site, all the way through maintaining and growing effectively. You can start this journey confident that a WP-Live consultant is there for you.

Their are far too many people that believe once they have built their site there work is done. They couldn't be more wrong. Websites are a living breathing thing, to have a successful site you must understand the principles of The Journey. Our WP-Live consultants encourage their clients to plan a minimum of 3 - 6 months to get through these phases. Let's get you on the phone with one of our WP-Live consultants and get you started on yours today.

How Do I Sign Up?

You can give us a call at (855)464-5345 Mon-Fri 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM PST

You can also sign up online here: 


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